Hover Camera Passport Drone


  • Auto-Follow: Using face and body detection technology
  • Video shooting and photo taking while cycling, running.
  • The operating temperature is 5 degrees Celsius-35 degrees Celsius.
  • Hover Camera crafted out of carbon.
  • The Passport’s propellers enclosed in a cage.
  • Can snap photos with a quick gesture to the camera
  • Wi-Fi Frequency Bands: 2.4GHz, 5GHz.


1- intro1- intro


Hover Camera Passport Drone – a small portable drone, focused on photo and video shooting in selfie format. Elementary to operate, able to recognize faces, and track objects for shooting. Compact, folds down to the size of a small book. Passport is one of the best alternatives to commonplace selfie sticks.

2- design2- design

Design & Flight Qualities

It is worth noting the compactness of the Hover Passport Camera Drone. When folded, its dimensions are 17.8 × 12.7 × 2.54 cm. Further, this is a power plant, which consists of four brushless motors enclosed in protective folding frames. Most of the case is a removable battery. The drone switched on with a single button located in the upper part of the body above the HOVER CAMERA logo. Double-clicking activates Passport and starts the motors, then releases the drone, and it will freeze waiting for commands from your smartphone. The body of the drone mainly made of carbon fiber.

In general, the selfie drone is very stable, allowing you to maneuver without much difficulty accurately. The maximum speed that the drone can develop is about 27km/h. The wind does not like, the lightweight of the drone effects, but the electronics copes well with its presence. There may also be difficulties in the operation of the ultrasonic and optical sensors used to determine the distance to the surface (located on the bottom of the UAV case). For example, when the surface (floor/ground) is white. In this case, the sensors may not work correctly, which may adversely affect positioning accuracy.

3- camera3- camera


Onboard the 13MP drone, the camera is capable of shooting video in up to 4K quality at 30 frames per second. The shooting quality is worthy of respect, excellent detail, and vibrant color reproduction. The only thing that overshadows the overall operation of the camera is electronic image stabilization (EIS), but without it, there is no way at all. Note that stabilization is active only for HD and FHD video modes. Electronics do not stabilize 4K mode. The drone does not write sound, and it is unlikely that you will want to listen to the buzz of motors when watching a recorded video.

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Functions & Application

Gesture management implemented as follows, to take a photo, raise your hand, the drone will count 5 seconds, and take a picture. Make an OK gesture, and Passport will make a soft landing. Recognition You can focus Hover Passport not only on yourself but also on any other object, and it will automatically track it. If the object disappears from the drone’s field of vision or the purpose starts moving too fast, the quadrocopter will stop and give a warning message about the loss of the object to the paired smartphone.

Hover Camera Passport Drone does not have control equipment. Your role will play by your smartphone (Android/IOS) on which you will first need to install the application. Since the drone initially focused on selfies, the manufacturer’s refusal of physical equipment is fully explainable, and everything reduced to simple operation without troubles. After you have launched the application, the image transmitted in the drone’s camera and virtual control sticks displayed in real-time (there are three options to choose from). To change the angle of inclination, the user swings up or down in the middle of the screen. On the left side of the screen there is an indicator of the drone’s battery level, timer, and flash icons, ‘Panorama Shot’ and ‘Orbit’ flight modes, the quadrocopter can circle the tracked object. The drone does not have sensors to detect and fly around obstacles, and it is worth considering this when piloting.

5- battery5- battery


Hover Camera Passport Drone equipped with two cans of the lithium-polymer battery capacity of 1360mAh. Weight 71 grams. According to the specification, it provides a flight time of up to 10 minutes. In practice, it has revealed that in general, it is, if the weather is calm. Complete with the drone are two batteries at once, which is very commendable. The charger included in the kit allows you to charge two batteries at once. Charging time is from 40 to 60 minutes.

6- memoryu6- memoryu


Passport received 32GB of internal memory, and there is no expansion option. The user can transfer all recorded photos and video material via Wi-Fi, or via a USB port on the drone itself.


Specifications of Hover Camera Passport Drone






Overall Dimensions:




Remote Controller:

Number of Rotors/Arms:




Max Flight Time:
10 mins

Max Flight Distance:

Maximum Speed:

Auto Follow:



Effective Pixels:


LiPo 2S



Charging Time:


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